This is my first blog post after a long while so let me get started. When I started my journey as a Christian, God took me through different experiences where we prayed for the sick, preached and participated in various church meetings. From time to time, I prayed for...
Reading articles and books by various Pastors and Christian leaders, I am amazed to find that there is a vast difference in understanding and belief in what the fear of the Lord really is about. When defining the fear of the Lord, some say that the fear of the Lord is...
Growing up in a traditional church, I looked like a Christian with the right clothes for Church on Sunday, a baptism certificate that said that I was a Christian and parents that considered me as a Christian. But however much I tried to “feel” like part of...
Recently, I have been seeing a worrying trend of sexual immorality amongst many pastors and clergy in the body of Christ in Fiji. Some of these cases have also involved sexual abuse of family members. I am not writing this to condemn those who committed such acts or...
Then God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God relented from the disaster that He had said He would bring upon them, and He did not do it.