These are testimonies of people whose lives have been impacted by Jesus Christ. If you need prayer, please send us your details through the Contact form on this page. You can also book an appointment to meet with Pastor Conan and Bui Hatch for personal healing and deliverance.
Vinod Kumar
Votualevu, Nadi, Fiji
I am a cane farmer with a large cane farm. For 12 months in 2011, I was sick and unable to care for the farm so my family suffered through this time of sickness. I was so weak that I could hardly get up and move around. So I would just move slowly around the house, eat, sleep and visit doctors, priests, etc.. I went to many hindu temples and the priests prayed for me and gave me things to eat. I also received treatment from witch-doctors but I grew worse. I tried everything including the services of a muslim priest.
I went to different private doctors but my condition did not get any better. By this time, I had spent a lot of money. Finally in desperation, I made an appointment with Pastor Conan for him to pray for me. When I met him, he talked to me from the bible and then prayed for me in the Name of Jesus Christ.
When I got home that day, I felt a new strength in my body and so I jumped onto the tractor and drove it around my farm. From that day, I have been very strong and healthy. I give praise and thanks to God for healing me.
Timoci Moko
Sanasana, Nasoso, Nadi, Fiji
I am married with children. Our family attends the Living Way Church in Nadi, Fiji.
Last year, I was unable to work as I was very weak in my body for about 5 months. I went to the hospital a few times for checkup and treatment but my condition remained the same. I also had some traditional Fijian herbal medicines.
During the day, I would lie down in the hot sun outside my house as I felt very cold inside me. My wife spoke to Pastor Conan’s wife and asked if Pastor could come over to my home and pray for me.
Later, Pastor Conan and some of the members of the church came to visit me. After he preached a message to my family, he told me to stand up and then he prayed. While he was praying for me, he rebuked some evil spirits and I almost blacked out. At the same time, I grabbed the side of the wall to stop from falling over.
Then Pastor Conan told me to sit down and he prayed for the house. After he left with his team, I felt very strong and put on my jogging shoes and then went for a run. This was the first time I had felt so different and strong for a long time.
Now I am completely healed and I give praise and thanks to Jesus for healing me.
Vineta Chand Shandil
Wellington, NZ
(Formerly of Carreras, Votualevu, Nadi)
During my early teen when I lived in Fiji at 13 years old, I started getting sick and ending up in hospital. This is all types of funny sickness such as anemia, stomach ache, blindness, severe migraine headaches and many more. I hardly attended school and many times unable to sit for exams. There were evil spirits troubling me as well. Neighbors suggest witch doctors. Because hospital couldn’t cure me, my suffering increasing, we had to resort to witchcraft doctors, even they failed. I was 17 years old then, doctors told my mom, I am going to die, my body changed its color to blue, and appendix needs to be operated immediately. My mom knew this is just another operation for no reason.
We were Hindu, since the time I started becoming sick, I had been praying and reciting all Hindu mantras, prayers and almost becoming another Hindu priest. My grandfather was a pundit (Hindu priest) and he taught me all so that god can heal me. But it was of no use. This day again we did big Pooja (prayer) at our place for healing, praying to all hindu gods. We also then went for a witchdoctor who asked for chicken with black feet and alcohol. We were supposed to go back to him with this stuff when my mom said “we had tried everything, nothing helps. My daughter is dying today, cannot move, changed color, why not we give her to Jesus. If she gets healed she will serve Jesus all her life.”
We knew a Christian friend who sent Pastor Conan Hatch and a church elder at approximate 10pm. Pastor shared word of God and prayed, As he was praying I could feel strength in my body, while he was still praying with his eyes closed, I could sit down and stand up, body completely healed by JESUS. Next was demonic spirits still knocking me, as I stood in the Word of God and confessed Jesus as my Lord and Savior, got baptized, they dare not come near my dwelling because now I belong to Jesus and covered by His Holy Blood. Most of my family and relatives turned to Jesus when they saw the miracle in my life and they received many blessings too.
Right now I am 29 years old, married and planning to have kids, working as General Manager in one of the leading company in New Zealand. I have a wonderful, loving husband and we are both serving Jesus faithfully. I thank Jesus for his sacrifice to save lost ones and sufferers. His word is alive and very active in us. Thank you for His children like Pastor Conan and family and Living Way Church members who helped me to know Jesus and discipled me to stand on God’s word and receive complete healing and live a life that God wants us to live.
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